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AC/DC - National - North Paid: $50.00   Owes: $0.00
Week: 0 Amount: $50.00 Paid: Y  
Entry Fee
Bandits - National - North Paid: $50.00   Owes: $0.00
Week: 0 Amount: $50.00 Paid: Y  
Entry Fee
Buffalo Bullies - National - North Paid: $50.00   Owes: $0.00
Week: 0 Amount: $50.00 Paid: Y  
Entry Fee
Carolina Colts - National - North Paid: $50.00   Owes: $0.00
Week: 0 Amount: $50.00 Paid: Y  
Entry Fee
Hardley Danielsons - National - North Paid: $50.00   Owes: $0.00
Week: 0 Amount: $50.00 Paid: Y  
Entry Fee
Bobby's Boyz - National - South Paid: $50.00   Owes: $0.00
Week: 0 Amount: $50.00 Paid: Y  
Entry Fee
Cowboys - National - South Paid: $50.00   Owes: $0.00
Week: 0 Amount: $50.00 Paid: Y  
Entry Fee
Quaranteam - National - South Paid: $50.00   Owes: $0.00
Week: 0 Amount: $50.00 Paid: Y  
Entry Fee
Run CMC - National - South Paid: $50.00   Owes: $0.00
Week: 0 Amount: $50.00 Paid: Y  
Entry Fee
Top Cats - National - South Paid: $50.00   Owes: $0.00
Week: 0 Amount: $50.00 Paid: Y  
Entry Fee
Biggdaddii - American - East Paid: $50.00   Owes: $0.00
Week: 0 Amount: $50.00 Paid: Y  
Entry Fee
Black and Gold - American - East Paid: $50.00   Owes: $0.00
Week: 0 Amount: $50.00 Paid: Y  
Entry Fee
Hippy Frogs - American - East Paid: $50.00   Owes: $0.00
Week: 0 Amount: $50.00 Paid: Y  
Entry Fee
Tar-Nation - American - East Paid: $50.00   Owes: $0.00
Week: 0 Amount: $50.00 Paid: Y  
Entry Fee
Who Dey - American - East Paid: $50.00   Owes: $0.00
Week: 0 Amount: $50.00 Paid: Y  
Entry Fee
Burns Unit - American - West Paid: $50.00   Owes: $0.00
Week: 0 Amount: $50.00 Paid: Y  
Entry Fee
Chase N Chicks - American - West Paid: $50.00   Owes: $0.00
Week: 0 Amount: $50.00 Paid: Y  
Entry Fee
Crutch - American - West Paid: $50.00   Owes: $0.00
Week: 0 Amount: $50.00 Paid: Y  
Entry Fee
Poodle - American - West Paid: $50.00   Owes: $0.00
Week: 0 Amount: $50.00 Paid: Y  
Entry Fee
Super Trooper - American - West Paid: $50.00   Owes: $0.00
Week: 0 Amount: $50.00 Paid: Y  
Entry Fee
League Total - $1000    Amount Paid: $1000    Amount Owed: $0